Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring Wine

Were you disappointed in missing our first wine tasting event? Fret not then for we have a pleasant treat for you. The powers to be have decided to kill two birds with one stone and hold another Wine as our end of the semester mixer. And why not? For what better way to usher in the start of spring and thoughts of warmer weather than to enjoy a crisp and refreshing Sauvignon Blanc from Margaret River or a light and fruity Pinot Noir from Yarra Valley?

If you're familiar with the wine-growing areas mentioned, then you probably already guessed that the focus of this Wine will be Australia. So moving from old-world wines to new-world wines, we're now going to explore everything from the grapes that put Australia on the map, Chardonnay and Shiraz, to the up and coming varietals like Pinot Noir.

Vanessa Merina has once again generously offered to hold our wine enlightenment at her place and in keeping with the spring celebration theme, weather permitting, we'll be having Wine outside on Vanessa's patio on Friday April the 17th. The plan is to start at 6:30 p.m. So bring a wine from Australia, come learn a little bit more about wine, and of course enjoy some wine outdoors in celebration of spring.

Date: Friday, 17th of April
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Vanessa Merina's apartment
Check evite for more details

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing & the information...
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