Saturday, January 5, 2008

2007: A Year in Review for UW-AAAGS

Rathskeller End of Year Mixer, Dec 2007

Asian American Activism in Practice, Nov 2007 - most of the committee members

Dear AAAGS Members and Friends:

The year 2007 brought many important and exciting developments for AAAGS as a student group at UW Madison. Here's a year in review:

- Lunar New Year Potluck

- 1st Annual Faculty/Staff Dinner and Dialog @ the Union South
- 1st Annual Asian American Voices (AAV) @ the Great Hall, Memorial Union
- the Asian American Film Festival and Dine Around - viewing of "Slanted Screen"

- 2nd annual AAAGS retreat @ Gil's condo clubhouse and strategic planning

- Terrace Welcome Mixer to New Members
- 1st Annual AAAGS undergrad-graduate student mentorship potluck

- 1st Asian American Activism in Practice Workshop: "Learning from Each Other"

- End of Year Mixer @ The Rathskeller

Informally, the friendships formed through first-time connections established at AAAGS events have flourished in a number of important and innovative ways. Graduates have formed study groups together at various libraries on campus, gathered for documentary film screenings and holiday meals (if they couldn't be home for out-of-state students), and coffeehouse chit chat.

AAAGS is also wired -- literally. Our online networking group "UW AAAGS" Facebook group at this time is at 60 members -- current grad students and affiliates (staff, alumni, and ugrad allies).

As Co-Chair, I am stepping down in the spring to do overseas predissertation fieldwork, however, the existing corps of executive committee members is unrivaled in their dedication, commitment, and solidarity to the academic, social, and community goals of AAAGS. Thank you especially to Linda Park, Chair in 2006-2007, for her dedication to re-chartering AAAGS and for advising the incoming Co-Chairs. I have to thank Gil Jose (Dept of Microbiology), for being such a kind and fun individual to work with as Co-Chair in Fall 2007; the devoted executive committee members who came to our meetings on Friday evenings; the contributions and solidarity with APALSA/SALSA - our colleagues in the Law School have been wonderful and involved every step of the way. To the undergrad student orgs, APAC and to the re-vamped AASU, as a group, AAAGS will be there to support the important work you will do in the near future. And best wishes to our friends at Hmong Talk. Our new Co-Chair is Casey Lee (Dept of East Asian Studies), I couldn't have asked for a more fresh and energetic replacement. Happy New Year, AAAGS!


Mytoan Nguyen (Dept of Sociology)
Co-Chair, Fall 2007