Thursday, June 14, 2007

Instructions on how to post

If you need to post a news or event item, be sure to list it as such in the title.

  1. Go to and login to your blogger account. This should take you to your blogger dashboard.
  2. Click on the link for New Post. It should have a green plus sign next to it. This should take you to the Create Posting screen.
  3. Type in a title that is clear and states either Event or News at the beginning. If you need to post something that is not related to AAAGS, simply put OT in front (for Off Topic). For example, if I want to post this week's meeting, I would put EVENT: AAAGS meeting on Saturday, June 16, 2007.
  4. Type the details of your event or news post as you would an email message. If you know html, you can click on the Edit Html tab for more power and control.
  5. Click the Publish Post button to publish. If you would like to wait, you can save a draft of your post by clicking the Save Now button. Most of the time, blogger will autosave your post. Sometimes this doesn't work well.
  6. Once you publish, you can click on the View Blog tab at the top to see the blog with your post.
  7. If you run into any problems, copy and save your post, and try creating a new post. This often fixes most issues.
  8. Any other problems? Feel free to email me at I can also add you as an admin or guest writer.

GETTING ON the UW Madison AAAGS e-mailing list for updates on events and activities: Send an e-mail with your name, Wisc department major, and a sentence about yourself to

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