Friday, June 22, 2007

NEWS: Planning Retreat Abbreviated Minutes

Planning Retreat Minutes

NOTE: These minutes are highly abbreviated. If you are interested in more detailed minutes, please contact one of the blog contributors.

June 16, 2007


Wexford Place/Silverstone Clubhouse

SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

-Broke into groups to analyze AAAGS in the last year. Reconvened and compiled a list (see detailed minutes for specific breakdown)

A Vision for AAAGS in the new school year

-Fostering Academic Support

-Social Support and Activities

-Fostering and mentoring relationships with undergrads

-Giving back to the Community

-We may need to re-define elements of our mission statement

The executive committee

Co-chairs = Mytoan and Gil

Treasurer = Yoonsook

Grant Writing = Ray, Hai and Gil

Secretary = Casey

Undergrad Liaisons = Kong, Nancy, Amy and Betty

Community Liaisons = Nancy and Duong

Administration Liaison = Linda

Web Design = Danielle

Blogs and Email = Emily

-Need to solidify and clarify the roles of each position

Activities for the 2007-2008 School Year

Terrace Mixer (Sept)

Undergrad/grad meeting dinner (Sept)

Harvest Moon Potluck (October)

Activism Panel with AA leaders (Nov)

AA Reading group (Academic Year)

Lunar New Year Potluck (February)

Fac/Grad Dinner and Dialogue (March)

Open Mic/AA Voices (April)

Film night with APALSA/SALSA (open)

Grad Student Panel (open)

End of Year Goodbye to Grads (May)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

EVENT: Freedom Inc.'s 6th Annual Potluck and Tournament

This Saturday June 23rd, Freedom Inc will be hosting its 6th Annual Potluck and Tournament. Come on out for some fun in the sun at Vilas Park! All are welcome to join in the festivities. There will be a BBQ and intramural sports going on throughout the day. Feel free to bring food or drink to share as well! Hope to see you there! Details below:

When: Saturday, June 23, 2007 @ 12pm
Where: Vilas Park (by the Tennis Court)
Who: EVERYONE!! It's for the Mad-community!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Event: Journey from the Fall

What: Journey from the Fall, directed by LA-based Vietnamese American filmmaker Ham Tran.
Where: Orpheum Theater, 216 State St. Madison, WI 53703
When: Friday, June 22, 2007, 7:00 p.m.
Who: RSVP to join AAAGS members for dinner at Husnus Restaurant at 5:30 p.m. to Mytoan (mnguyen[at]ssc[dot]wisc[dot]edu). Each individual is responsible for purchase of his/her own ticket.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

OT: Asian American Reading Group (AARG!), 2007-08 Schedule

Please contact Emily Yu at eyu at wisc dot edu for more information. I will be in touch about this in late August. A big thank you to everyone who has already emailed me about joining. I've put together an impromptu list based on many requests and syllabi.

Caveat: I am unfamiliar with most of these texts, so I’m not entirely sure if some theoretical texts work well with the literary/filmic texts that follow. Please feel free to provide me suggests, criticisms, etc.

• Arjun Appadurai, “Diversity and Disciplinarity as Cultural Artifacts” in Disciplinarity and Dissent in Cultural Studies, eds. Cary Nelson and Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar (New York: Routledge, 1996), 23-36.
• Excerpt from Said’s Orientalism
• Excerpt from Lisa Lowe’s Immigrant Acts

• Chang Rae Lee, Native Speaker

• Elaine H. Kim, “ ‘Such Opposite Creatures’: Men and Women in Asian American Literature”.
• Frank Chin, Jeffery Paul Chan, Lawson Fusao Inada, and Shawn Hsu Wong, “An Introduction to Chinese- and Japanese-American Literature,” in Aiiieeeee!.

• Mai’s America (film)

• Some stories from Maxine Hong Kingston’s Woman Warrior and China Men
• King-Kok Cheung, “The Woman Warrior versus The Chinaman Pacific: Must a Chinese American Critics Choose between Feminism and Heroism?”

• Leslie Bow, “ ‘For Every Gesture of Loyalty, There Doesn’t Have to Be a Betrayal’: Asian American Criticism and the Politics of Locality”
• Excerpt from Nancy Yuval-Davis, The Situated Politics of Belonging

• Some poetry from Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Dictée

• Chan is Missing (film)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

EVENT: AAAGS Planning Retreat, Saturday, 6-16-07

Stay tuned for the retreat meeting minutes on our perceived Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats; Vision; and Calendar of Events for this coming year.

~ Mytoan (6/17/2007, post-retreat)

When: Saturday, June 16th, 2007 at 10:30am
Where: Gil's clubhouse
What: Planning and brainstorming for the 2007-08 academic year

10:30-11:00 Icebreakers and Continental Breakfast

11:00-12:30 Session I: SWOT analysis (Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats)

12:30-2:00 Working lunch and discussion of Visions and Goals

2:00-3:30 Session II: Program Planning and setting up the calendar for next year

3:30- Program ends, socialization begins

Food will be ready before noon and will be out throughout the afternoon, so those coming later need not worry about being without food. We should have enough for everyone!

Please contact Gil at [gilbert.g.jose at] to RSVP and for more details.

NEWS: Amy Ling Legacy Fund for Asian American Studies

Amy Ling Legacy Fund for Asian American Studies

The Asian American Studies Program has initiated a fundraising campaign in recognition of its founding director, Professor Amy Ling. Contributions are tax deductible and will build an endowment fund to support the educational mission of the Asian American Studies Program.

To mail a donation, make the check out to the UW Foundation, include the fund designation (#12544261, Amy Ling Legacy Fund), and send it to:

University of Wisconsin Foundation
U.S. Bank Lockbox
P.O. Box 78807
Milwaukee, WI 53278-0807

To make a secure gift on-line using your credit card go to

Instructions on how to post

If you need to post a news or event item, be sure to list it as such in the title.

  1. Go to and login to your blogger account. This should take you to your blogger dashboard.
  2. Click on the link for New Post. It should have a green plus sign next to it. This should take you to the Create Posting screen.
  3. Type in a title that is clear and states either Event or News at the beginning. If you need to post something that is not related to AAAGS, simply put OT in front (for Off Topic). For example, if I want to post this week's meeting, I would put EVENT: AAAGS meeting on Saturday, June 16, 2007.
  4. Type the details of your event or news post as you would an email message. If you know html, you can click on the Edit Html tab for more power and control.
  5. Click the Publish Post button to publish. If you would like to wait, you can save a draft of your post by clicking the Save Now button. Most of the time, blogger will autosave your post. Sometimes this doesn't work well.
  6. Once you publish, you can click on the View Blog tab at the top to see the blog with your post.
  7. If you run into any problems, copy and save your post, and try creating a new post. This often fixes most issues.
  8. Any other problems? Feel free to email me at I can also add you as an admin or guest writer.

GETTING ON the UW Madison AAAGS e-mailing list for updates on events and activities: Send an e-mail with your name, Wisc department major, and a sentence about yourself to


This is a test post to create the blog/website.