Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Asian American Voices 2008- Mixed Race Asians: Why it Matters to Asian America **REGISTER HERE**

Online Registration for our Annual Asian American Voices Event (See description in March 17 post) will be featured here very shortly..come back soon and register online or register on site the day of the event

Either way, make sure you come out and support!!

Come for the workshops, the dinner and the show!

Stay tuned for more updates

Go to the link below to register:

Monday, March 24, 2008

AA Film Fest

Hello AAAGS peeps!
just wanted to let you know that AAAGS will again be hosting a "Movie and Meal event". This year, we've selected "New Year Baby" showing on Sunday April 6th at 12:45pm at the Chazen Museum. We will plan a brunch meal prior to the movie--place and time TBD. If time is an issue you can do one or the other (eat with folks and not watch movie or not eat but come watch movie)... We've got 20 FREE tix for this movie. First come, first serve, so reply quickly!
The Asian American film fest is on April 3-6 (it is part of the Wisconsin Film Festival). There are 4 films this year: New Year Baby, Man of Hula, Hollywood Chinese, and Tie a Yellow Ribbon. All of them are very good (AASP went for quality instead of quantity this year). Please check for descriptions of the movies.
A special treat this year!!
the Asian American Studies Program has given us extra tickets for each of the other films in the AA film festival. AAAGS will have 4 tix for each other film
4 for Tie a Yellow Ribbon on Thursday, April 3rd 9:30pm (Bartell Theater)
4 for Hollywood Chinese on Thursday, April 3rd, 7:45pm (Cinemateque)
2 for Na Kamalei (Men of Hula) on Friday, April 4th, 5:00pm (Chazen Museum)
2 for Na Kamalei (Men of Hula) on Saturday, April 5th 2:30pm (Chazen Museum)

Please let us know asap if you want any of these extra FREE tix! Each person can order up to 2 tix for now (maybe you can get more than 2 later if there are any left). Details coming on how to pick up your ticket.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Asian American Voices

Mixed Race Asians: Why They Matter to Asia America
We are pleased to announce this year's Asian American Voices event on Saturday, April 5. The event will feature an afternoon of break-out sessions on such topics as Multiracialism and Health, Multiracial Asian American Activism, and Mixed Race Identity, followed by a casual dinner. The evening will conclude with a performance by multiracial Asian American multimedia artist Kate Rigg.

The opening remarks and keynote address are currently scheduled to begin at 3:30 p.m. at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School. Kate Rigg's performance will begin at 8:15 p.m. at 3650 Humanities.

Online registration for Asian American Voices will be announced soon. Please pass this information to student and community individuals and organizations that may be interested in attending and please save the date!!!

Asian American Voices seeks to bring together members across the UW-Madison campus as well as the greater Madison community to engage in topics of concern to those who identity as Asian American.

We want to thank this year's co-sponsors: Association of Asian American Graduate Students (AAAGS), Asian Pacific American Law Student Association-South Asian Law Student Association (APALSA-SALSA), Asian American Studies Program (AASP), Asian Pacific American Council (APAC), Asian American Student Union (AASU), Wisconsin Asian Bar Association (WABA), Wisconsin Association for Asian Americans (WOAA), MultiCultural Student Coalition (MCSC), and Associated Students of Madison (ASM).
WHAT: Asian American Voices presents Mixed Race Asians: Why They Matter to Asia America
WHERE: UW-Madison Law School
WHEN: Saturday, April 5th at 3:30 (Kate Rigg's performance at 8:15pm in Humanities 3650)
RSVP: Online Registration information coming soon!
CONTACT: Please email UW dot AAAGS at GMAIL dot COM

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Dinner & Dialog | March 27, 2008 @ 5:30 pm

Dinner & Dialogue with Asian American faculty/administrators and Graduate STudents.

Thursday, March 27th @ the Friederick Center 5:30pm. come join us for a delicious Italian Buffet dinner and great conversations with our faculty/administrators!

Invitation have gone out and will be coming again your way soon! don't forget to RSVP!


April 6, 2008 Asian American Film Festival
This year's selection is New Year Baby. Show time is Sunday, April 6th at 12:45pm.

RSVP to AAAGS for your free ticket ( It's first come, first serve! We will plan a brunch before the fiim showing. Details to follow soon!