Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Academic Job Market Luncheon | May 31 @ 11:30 am | Maharani Indian Restaurant

"Academic Job Market" Luncheon at Maharani Indian Restaurant, May 31st (Saturday), 11:30 am to listen to grads talk about their informal 'academic' and 'non-academic' job market experiences and much, much more!!!

Speakers confirmed:

- Ray Hsu, PhD Creative Writing/Literary Studies
- Natalie Tran, PhD Education Leadership and Policy Analysis

RSVP to seating is limited

Monday, May 19, 2008

AAAGS Member Satisfaction Survey

Dear AAAGS Members:

These past three years of AAAGS activities have been phenomenal both in scope and frequency. In order to better serve current and future members, we are administering our first-ever member satisfaction survey.

Please click here to access the survey. Responses will be processed June 1st. We would appreciate your honest and candid responses in order to improve our milieu of activities for AY 2008-2009. We especially would like to encourage members who are graduating/leaving. We'll be surveying our population of 350 existing members, AASP faculty and academic staff allies. The analytic findings will be processed using Survey Monkey and disclosed at our next General Meeting. Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback!


Steering Committee
c/o Mytoan Nguyen

PS: Our volunteers have spent the past two weeks refining the questions -- special thanks go to Jackie Nguyen (Educational Psych) and Danielle Vokal (Education Policy).

Friday, May 9, 2008

Graduation - AAAGS Style - May 2008

Hope the end of the semester has been treating everyone well.
We are writing because as graduation 2008 approaches, we know that many AAAGS members will be finishing degrees and moving on to new places and occupations. We definitely want to be there to cheer people on at upcoming ceremonies and have heard many AAAGS members express interest as well. In lieu of this, we are gathering the names of those who are graduating and make them available to the group for those who would like to attend a ceremony or just send their best wishes for the future.
If you are finishing a degree this year and/or walking at a ceremony next week and would not mind being included in a list that will be sent to the group, please respond to with your name, degree, department, and, if you are walking, the time of your ceremony. If possible, it would be great to gather this information by early next week.
Additionally, we are planning a possible dinner or potluck for those who would like to get together again before everyone goes their ways. Please let us know if this might be of interest to you.
Thanks so much and hopefully, we'll be seeing many of you next weekend!
Casey and Gil